Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ah I Can See #3

I wonder how Descartes felt when he utter the famous declaration "I think therefore I am." Was the self born right there and then? Impossible! right but how did the thinkers before that time thought what they did? Did they believed their thoughts derived from god or the gods? and how did that affected their thinking process? To a 21st century individual, it is hard to comprehend anything that rejects individualism. We are raised to believe that we are who we are because of what we think, experience and question. This thought process reflect The Enlightenment in western Europe: Rationalism, Empiricism and Skepticism. This gave way to so many more schools of thought and the birth to the educational and political system we know about today. Alexander Pope gave rise to the "man" not in the hip hop sense but the creation of the individual through thought (criticism) and expression (art). So lets reconsider how much human reality change over the course of three centuries. Once the individual was born more questions began to be asked. If we are all individuals how do we learn? How did we experience things? When Immanuel Kant came with The Four Type of Knowledge he asked in a sense for people to have courage  to use our own understanding. With the birth of individualism came the question that asked if  knowledge was subjective or objective. It all depended on reason. 

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